Think about all the work that goes into driving traffic to your website. From Web 2.0 strategies to mobile interactions, a huge part of your efforts involve generating website traffic to drive your company’s products and services. But if you send traffic to your home page, basically you are throwing leads away. A much more […]
We hear a lot about blockchain these days, but does it provide benefits beyond the buzzword? This record-keeping technology makes it impossible to hack a system or to forge the data stored in the blockchain. It is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) capable of recording transactions and related data in multiple places at once. Blockchain […]
As CIO, eventually you will face the decision of whether to replace or maintain your legacy system. Outdated hardware, rising security threats, and digital transformation goals might propel you toward a replacement. On the other hand, proven reliability and ROI issues may make maintaining your current system the better option. Not wanting to stifle innovation […]
As Chief Information Officer (CIO), you are tasked with keeping the company’s data and digital assets protected against cybercrimes including ensuring compliance with agency-wide information security programs. These goals are implemented by your cybersecurity team, through tasks such as installing firewalls, keeping software up to date, backing up data, and ensuring endpoint protection. It is […]
When it comes to your organization’s IT services, are you being reactive or proactive? Getting ahead of potential problems is an essential component of your IT strategy. Simply reacting to issues puts you in danger of data breaches, costly technology upgrades, and even system failure. So how can you anticipate and plan for challenges that […]
Consider the volume of email that flows into and out of your organization each day. From vendors and clients to internal messages amongst employees, email is still a robust communication tool for conducting business. Unfortunately, email is also a common inroad for cyberattacks. Cybercriminals can penetrate the IT architecture of your company more easily than […]
When it comes to security and risk management, can your internal IT policies stand up to the numerous threats in today’s business environment? Ample technology solutions are available to handle the threat landscape, but many fall short of dealing with user behavior. Solid policies that are accessible to team members can help avoid costly IT […]
When you’ve reached the point where you are ready to take your business to the next level, your biggest goal is likely tied to growth. To achieve this goal, you’ll need to acquire new customers. But, how do you get there? Countless articles, books, and speaking engagements focus on growing your business, which complicates and […]